© 2025
Feel Better, Be Better, Get to Yes!
Physical Therapy Checkup
Scheduling a PT Checkup Once or Twice a Year Can Save You Frustration, Time and Money
Many problems start out as simple biomechanical faults within or around joints, sometimes after an injury, but many times without any apparent cause.
These types of problems, especially if caught early, can usually be easily corrected by brief physical therapy intervention.
However, if these simple faults are allowed to linger on, they can impair muscle function, leading to changes in movement patterns, and increased stress on surrounding tissues. These changes ultimately restrict motion and cause pain.
By having regular PT checkups, you will have a strategy to avoid injury and stay healthy, so you can continue to perform at your best fitness level.
At Yes! Physical Therapy, our PT Checkup consists of the following:
1. A brief systems review to identify any potential problems that we can't fix and that may require the attention of your friendly neighborhood physician, nurse practitioner, or other healthcare provider.
2. Establish baselines to monitor pain and function, using brief, validated self-report instruments.
3. A thorough examination of all major joints and surrounding soft tissues to determine any biomechanical faults.
4. We'll review your current exercise/stretching routine with you to spot potential problems and suggest better alternatives.  If you aren't currently on a program, with your input we'll design one just for you.
5. We'll work with your other healthcare providers to help you devise a strategy to stay in tip-top shape.
The Bottom Line:

Getting to Yes! sooner means fewer PT visits, less cost, and a healthier, happier you.
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